1.  Scope of Work:

1.1 The Developer shall design, develop, test, and deploy a custom website for the Client, a charitable organization, using React. The website will include responsive design, interactive features, multimedia integration, user authentication, donation portals, event calendars, and other functionalities essential for a charity website.

1.2 The Developer will provide ongoing maintenance and support services, including bug fixes, updates, and technical support, for a period of 12 months after the website’s launch.


  1.  Project Timeline:

2.1 The project shall commence on 1-04-2024 and shall be completed, tested, and ready for launch by 31-03-2025.

2.2 The maintenance and support services will commence from the website’s launch date and continue for the duration specified in Section 1.2.


  1.  Payment Terms:

3.1 The Client shall pay the Developer the total project cost of £3,500 as follows:

3.2 Invoices will be issued by the Developer and are payable within 15 days from the date of receipt.


  1.  Client Responsibilities:

4.1 The Client shall provide all necessary content, images, and other materials required for the website development. Delays in content submission may impact the project timeline.

4.2 The Client shall appoint a representative who will be the main point of contact for the Developer during the project duration.

  1.  Intellectual Property:

5.1 Upon receipt of full payment, the Client shall own the intellectual property rights to the developed website, excluding API and Donation Portal Integration with iCHARMS. The Developer retains the right to showcase the project in its portfolio.

  1.  Confidentiality:

6.1 Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information shared during the project and thereafter.

  1.  Termination:

7.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any material term of the agreement. In the event of termination, the Client shall pay for the services rendered up to the termination date.

  1.  Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:

8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

8.2 Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through arbitration, to take place in England and Wales.

  1.  Development Details:

9.1 The website developed for CARE AND RELIEF FOUNDATION will incorporate features specific to a charitable organization, including but not limited to:

  1.  Mobile Responsiveness:

10.1 The website will be fully responsive, ensuring optimal user experience across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

  1.  Security Measures:

11.1 The Developer will implement robust security measures, including SSL encryption, firewall protection, and regular security audits, to safeguard the website against potential cyber threats and unauthorized access.

  1.  Training and Documentation:

12.1 The Developer will provide training sessions for CARE AND RELIEF FOUNDATION staff members, covering the usage of the Website, basic troubleshooting, and content management.

12.2 Comprehensive documentation outlining website features, functionalities, and maintenance procedures will be provided to the Client for future reference.

  1.  Support and Maintenance:

13.1 The Developer will offer technical support and maintenance services after the website’s launch date. This includes resolving technical issues, performing updates, and ensuring the website’s smooth operation which is an additional cost please refer to section No 14 – SEO Services.

  1.  Additional Services:

14.1 Any additional features or services requested by CARE AND RELIEF FOUNDATION outside the scope of this Agreement will be considered as separate project(s). The parties will enter into additional agreements defining the scope, timelines, and costs for such services.

  1.  Amendment and Modification:

15.1 Any changes or modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

  1.  Data Backup:

16.1 Automated daily backups of the website’s data, including content, media files, and user information, will be performed to prevent data loss. Backups will be stored securely and can be restored in case of any unforeseen incidents.

  1.  Dispute Resolution:

17.1 Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved amicably through negotiation between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, the matter will be referred to arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitration in England and Wales.

  1.  Entire Agreement:

18.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter herein.

  1.  Future Enhancements:

19.1 The parties acknowledge that technology and online trends evolve. The Developer commits to offering consultation services for future enhancements or upgrades to the website, ensuring it remains contemporary and aligned with emerging technologies. Any such services will be subject to a separate agreement.

  1.  Force Majeure:

28.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, pandemics, labor disputes, or governmental regulations.

  1.  Acceptance of Agreement:

21.1 By signing this Agreement, both parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to all its terms and conditions. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.